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FIFA21_Mod工具Modding Tool Alpha 9

本文标签: FIFA21
发布时间:2021-04-04 16:36
浏览次数:           评分:0


2、将mod放在LegacyMods / Legacy文件夹中的正确位置。(例如,数据库位于data / db中)




1) Place mods in the correct place in the LegacyMods/Legacy folder. (for example. the db is in data/db)

2) Import lmod files into the launcher and launch the game (this will automatically create and use the Legacy folder)

If you are a modder and want to know where all the legacy files are. Thats a tricky one right now. You will need to get them out of memory yourself. I am looking to dump ALL legacy files out as soon as I can.

If you do have access to files, you can use the "Editor" button to compile your files into an .lmod for the launcher.

Alpha 9
+ *.fbmod legacy mods now work will all EA title updates
+ Madden 21 partial support. All textures (and possibly legacy files) are editable, no export to mod option is available yet
+ EBX editing now has a comparison screen, so you can compare your modded files with unmodified files

Alpha 8.15
- Updated cache and SDK for EA Title Update 10th March 2021
- Removed mod caching for the time being (it was causing some systems to not detect new mods)
- Improvements to Madden 21 support (launcher still not working though)
- Includes changes and fixes from Alpha 14

Alpha 8.13
- Updated cache and SDK for EA Title Update 3rd March 2021
- Fixed an issue where you could not load a mod with legacy files changed from a previous version of the tool
- Improved legacy editing but still not perfect --- stay with *.lmod for now!

Alpha 8.12
- Fix support for Aranaktu's Live Editor (removed 2 hooks that were affecting the Live Editor and was not needed by the v2k4LegacyModSupport.dll)
- Updated cache and SDK for EA Title Update 23rd February 2021
- Removed save to *.fifamod from Editor (it never worked for some reason)
- Fixed an issue in backend of software that kept changing file hashes to incorrect numbers

Alpha 11

- Allowed legacy files to be included in fbmod files and saved to fbprojects
- Legacy files through fbmod will now still work even after a EA Title Update
- Reverted Data folder CAS/Catalog to use the entry rather than the parent (fixes a few entries that were not able to edited, for example crest_110581_0_0_color)
- Tested a few more face mods. Be aware that some facemods do not work even when using FIFA Editor Tool.



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