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FM2011 足球经理2011揭开神秘面纱(翻译)

发布时间:2016-12-12 06:28   文章来源:
本文标签:足球 翻译 FM2011 经理 神秘
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Sports Interactive(FM开发商)确认今年将发布FM2011

伦敦2010年8月11日讯:Sports Interactive和欧洲世嘉有限公司今日表示FM2011将于2010年圣诞前正式发布。这款FM2011将提供个人计算机,苹果Mac, 及索尼公司旗下的掌上便携式PSP的运行平台。FM2011同以往的几个版本相比,有一些重大革新和突破,这些突破涵盖了真实合同谈判,可修改的训练模式及游戏运行方面的重大突破。FM2011也将再一次推出FM游戏吧这一项目。

      今年即将发布的FM2011将比以往更加大放异彩,Sports Interactive公司再一次表明通过加入一些新特点来提高游戏的水准。雄心壮志的经理们第一次可以“实时合约谈判”的形式在真实的时间里同球员直接就合同事宜磋商。通过同更多的现实世界里的足球机经纪人的合作,Sports Interactive使得游戏中合同谈判事宜处理的更加贴近现实。玩家们要准备好同不同的足球经纪人的碰撞了,每个经纪人都各具特点,因此处理的方法自然不能等而视之。

Sports Interactive 公司动画总监Miles Jacobson表示:“Sports Interactive努力为最终玩家提供最好的服务,我们始终相信训练模式一直是我们游戏中最具优势的项目,现在我们又将这个优势进一步提高了。




今天公布的一些新突破,包含了一项,改进的媒体模块,这可以让玩家跟紧现实足球的动态。这符合了Sports Interactiv社区过去几年一直寻求的动态联赛声誉。使得游戏本身更加贴近现实生活,更加走进玩家。

更多的关于新突破的新信息将通过Twitter (@si_game,Facebook () 发布。一系列的相关博客和FM播客将持续发布。通过无人能及的更多新突破,FM将继续保持其最现实,最受欢迎,最畅销和最高端的足球管理模式的地位来刺激游戏市场。



FM2011 足球经理2011揭开神秘面纱(翻译)


Sports Interactive Confirm Football Manager 2011 Release This Year

LONDON (August 11th, 2010) – Sports Interactive & SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced that Football Manager™ 2011 for PC and Apple Macintosh, and Football Manager Handheld™ 2011 for Sony PlayStation® Portable will be released before Christmas 2010. FM2011 will feature more new features than ever before, including real-time contract negotiation, a revamped training system and a number of match engine improvements, Football Manager 2011 will once again raise the bar for football management games.

Football Manager 2011 is the latest iteration of the award-winning Football Manager series. Selling in excess of 6 Million copies worldwide, Football Manager has been topping the UK PC charts for the last five years.

Football Manager 2011 will be more polished than ever this year, and Sports Interactive will again set a new standard for the genre by adding a host of new features. For the first time ever, aspiring managers can now negotiate contracts with players in real time. And by working with a multitude of real-life football agents, Sports Interactive gained an insight as to how these negotiations can be made as realistic as possible in-game. Prepare to meet different types of agents in your contract talks; each with their own personality so will therefore need a different approach.

“At Sports Interactive, we always strive to give the end-user the best experience possible,” said Miles Jacobson, Studio Director at Sports Interactive. “The training system for example has always been the best we thought it could be, until now. We’ve found a way to make it even better!”

With the implementation of the most intuitive training system in the series history, there is a new “match preparation” area of training so that managers can give their team specific areas to focus on in the lead up to a match. There are also more basic training schedules for players, and 14 different individual skill areas that you can focus your players on.

Interaction with players, staff and the board have gone to a whole new level, with a host of new boardroom and backroom requests, a new player interaction module that allows the manager to have private conversations with players, as well as public conversations regarding players at other clubs.

Two years after the launch of the 3D Match Engine, players will see a number of improvements implemented for this year’s release. With over 100 new animations added, as well as more player emotions, new player models, new stadiums, pitch textures, improved lighting, floodlit night matches, more goal celebrations and lots of other extras which improve what was already the best match simulation on the market.



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