FIFA 11 Virtual Pro Accomplishments
FIFA 11 虚拟球员成就
The Arena (30)
1. Finish with some finesse - score a goal using the finesse shot inside the penalty box - Finishing +1
1. 巧射得分- 在禁区里以巧射( RB+B)得分- 终结+1
2. Bury it with the laces - score a goal using the laces shot inside the penalty box - Shot Power +1
2. 脚背射门- 在禁区里以正脚背射门(B)得分- 射门力道+1
3. Tuck home a penalty - keep your composure to score from a penalty kick - Penalties +1
3. 12码罚球- 沉着的在12码中射门得分- 12码罚球+1
4. Juggle the ball 5 times - juggle the ball while standing - 2 Star Skill Moves
4. 挑球5次- 在站立时完成5次挑球(站立时LT+RB 后RBx5) - 开启2星技巧
5. Drill one in from outside the box - score with a laces shot from outside the penalty box - Long Shots +1
5. 禁区外暴射- 在禁区外以正脚背射门得分- 长射+1
6. Score with my weaker foot - score with your weak foot from any distance - Balance +1
6. 以非惯用脚得分- 在任何距离以非惯用脚射门得分- 平衡+1
7. Curl one in from 18 yards - score a finesse shot from outside the penalty box - Curve +1
7. 18码外旋进- 以巧射在禁区外射门得分- 曲度+1
8. Try 3 of the skill moves - perform at least three of the nine 2-star skill moves - 3 Star Skill Moves
8. 试出3个技巧- 使出至少9种2星技巧里的3种-开启3星技巧
9. Catch the ball (goalie) - catch the ball while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Handling +1
9. 接球(守门员) - 当守门员时接到球- 守门员接球+1
10. Make a diving save (goalie) - make a diving save while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Diving +1
10. 飞身扑救(守门员) - 当守门员时以飞身扑救(RS)接到球- 守门员飞扑+1
11. Bend in a free kick - shoot and score with a standard free kick from any distance - FK Accuracy +1
11. 旋进一颗自由球- 在任何距离射进一个标准自由球- 自由球准度+1
12. Practice 6 skill moves - perform at least six of the nine 2-star skill moves - Ball Control +1
12. 练习6种技巧- 使出至少9种2星技巧里的6种- 控球+1
13. Score back off the post - score a goal directly following a rebound off the post - Reactions +1
13. 反弹球得分- 将中柱弹出的反弹球射进球门得分- 反应+1
14. Check out the fake shot - perform the fake shot when inside the penalty box - Agility +1
14. 假射- 在禁区内使出假射- 敏捷+1
15. Test out two 3-star skills - perform at least two of the six 3-star skill moves - 4 Star Skill Moves
15. 试出两个3星技巧- 使出至少6种3星技巧里的2种- 开启4星技巧
16. Chip the keeper from out the box - score with a chip shot from outside the penalty box - Vision +1
16. 禁区外挑射- 在禁区外挑射过守门员得分- 视野+1
17. Score a volley in the area - score with a volley from inside the penalty box - Volleys +1
17. 凌空射门(*1) - 在禁区内将在空中的球射入球门得分- 凌空射门+1
18. Dribble around a player - dribble past an opposition player or the goalkeeper - Balance +1
18. 盘球过人- 盘球过敌方球员或守门员- 平衡+1
19. Save a one-on-one (goalie) - make a 1-on-1 save while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Diving +1
19. 守下一对一(守门员) - 当守门员时守下一对一-守门员飞扑+1
20. Keep out a penalty (goalie) - save a penalty while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Reflexes +1
20. 挡下12码(守门员) - 当守门员时挡下12码罚球- 守门员反应(*2) +1
21. Score from 32 yards or further - score any type of goal from 32 yards out or further - Long Shots +1
21. 在32码或更远之外得分- 在32码或更远的位置以任何方式得分- 远射+1
22. Try four 3-star skill moves - perform at least four of the six 3-star skill moves - Stamina +1
22. 试出4个3星技巧- 使出至少6种3星技巧里的4种- 体力(*3) +1
23. 5 free kicks scored - score at least 5 goals from free kicks with your Virtual Pro - FK Accuracy +1
24. 射进5颗自由球- 以虚拟球员射进5颗自由球- 自由球准度+1
24. Beat a player with skill - dribble past an opposition player or goalkeeper using any skill move - Agility +1
25. 技巧过人- 以任何技巧过一名敌方球员或守门员- 敏捷+ 1
25. Weak foot from range - score with your weaker foot from outside the penalty box - Weak Foot Ability +1
25. 非惯用脚远射- 在禁区外以非惯用脚射门得分- 非惯用脚能力+1
26. Tuck in 10 penalties - score at least 10 goals when practicing your penalty kicks - Penalties +3
26. 射进10个12码- 练习12码时射进至少10颗进球- 12码罚球+3
27. Practice five 4-star skills - perform at least five of the various 4-star skill moves - 5 Star Skill Moves
27. 练习5种4星技巧- 使出至少5种4星技巧- 开启4星技巧
28. Score a volley from distance - score with a volley from outside the penalty box - Volleys +2
28. 远距离凌空射门(*1) - 在禁区外以凌空射门得分
29. Make a double save (goalie) - make a double save while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Reflexes +1
29. 连续两次救球(守门员) - 当守门员使连续救下两球-守门员反应(*2) +1
30. Save 5 penalties (goalie) - save 5 penalties while playing as the goalkeeper - GK Positioning +1
30. 挡下5次12码- 当守门员时挡下5次12码罚球-守门员站位+1
*1: 凌空射门- 指的是球在空中时的射门, 并不一定需要球员双脚也在空中不着地.
*2: 守门员反应- Reflexes 是反射, 但个人觉得翻成反应比较好理解.
*3:体力- Stamina 通常翻成 耐力, 但个人觉得翻成体力比较好理解.
To Be Continued...
(本文由足球吧编辑) |